Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Oh I know, I'm a little late jumping on the Pinterest wagon, but since I know I'm not the only one I figured I'd "shoot from the hip".  The truth is...this Texas HEAT has literally sucked the creative lifeblood from my body and so this is pretty much the first thing to pop into my pretty little head ;) (Doot ta doot doot Rambling...)

Ok, so have you heard about Pinterest? No, Really?? Boy, you really must be living under a rock. (commence Google search)...No, No, WAIT, I'm not going to make you Google (or Bing or other silly search engine name turned evil empire verb) it! Come on, sheesh.
Pinterest is your very own Social Networking Pin board. The beauty of it...Well, Yes, it IS another form of Social Networking, BUT, with all the FUN Stalking and Stealing, (huh?) Browsing and Collecting Inspiration...WITHOUT all that BORING having to listen and pretend to care crap, (what?) Oh sorry, I could't think of a nicer way to put that one ;) (Don't be mad cause you wish you had said it). Yes, Yes, I'm being facetious, I love you all really I do! So let's recap, Pinterest = wicked awesome virtual corkboard, no holes required!

Yes, you can and should follow people who tend to Pin things you like, and you should like & comment, & you should certainly ALWAYS give credit to the source of the image whenever possible. Another cool thing about Pinterest is that is is NOT just a place to collect interesting or inspiring images but it can be used rather than bookmarking tutorials and recipes. I am constantly bookmarking things and forgetting about them, but being a very visual person, Pinterest is the perfect place to collect these things. So, in the words of the Yo Gabba Gang, (Yup, that's how I roll) "Try it, You'll like it"! You do need an invite to join. I can send you one or you can request one from the Pinterest Team. WARNING: The site can be a little slow at times & it's mega addicting (just what you needed, yet another way to waste your precious time)!

So, in the spirit of cooler weather finding us all soon (a girl can dream), here's to Fall:

Go get inspired.
Click here to check out Pinterest for yourself.

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