Friday, February 22, 2013

Hello Me - Self Portrait Light Study

Good Morning Glory!

I rarely post photos of me, okay...I rarely get in front of a camera. I turn onto a complete buffoon (if my son were reading this he would be rolling on the floor laughing...literally) in front of a camera. Sure, I can tell you how to stand, where to stand, what to do, when to do it...come to think of it I'm pretty bossy, yikes! In all seriousness though, I am totally lost  in front of the lens...I think it is especially hard when there is no one else behind the camera. Also, I hate that word "selfie, or selfy," or whatever, however you say it just don't say it around me, PLEASE! I mean for the love of God, how narcissistic are we? *unintentional rant over, sorry*

Anyways, I have been shooting more natural light photos in recent years and I needed to knock the cobwebs off my brain the old  flash heads. The end result...a rekindled love for off camera lighting and some surprisingly "ME" self portraits. So without further, no retouching, (hell, I couldn't even be bothered to brush my hair apparently), no processing, just dropped them in a template, straight out of the camera, no makeup, me...and my ridiculous but favorite wear it every freaking day shirt.

1 vivitar 285HV flash @ 1/16 directly behind me pointed at my back. 1/100, 2.8, ISO 800

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I think they capture your personality very well!
