Thursday, November 15, 2012

A little help from my friends

We all get by by with a little help from our friends every once in a while don't we? *interjection (bulk of my rambling blog post to follow then I will get back to my main point)*
I hope this fine Wednesday Thursday morning finds you all well. Here in Southeast Texas there is a bit of a nip in the air, it doesn't get too nippy around here so we take what we can get. I am especially excited about Thanksgiving next week and a friend's Wedding the following weekend. This will be Ladybird's (my youngest's  youngestest  youngests' baby's) first Thanksgiving and our first Thanksgiving away from our extended families. My son has high expectations for a 3 day feast...YES, a 3 day feast!! What the heck are they teaching him in school anyhow??! A 3 day feast, HA! I'm just going to leave that alone.
Moving on...
Ok, so I do have a point (and I will eventually get there). I have been hard at work BTS (that's behind the scenes for those of you that are not in "in the know") to link all my social interfaces together and make sure my branding is coherent throughout, actually writing updating my about me and business profile, planning blogs, posts, etc. Basically, I am starting all over again because I knew that this was an important step considering we are in the age of the internet, but being the exception to every rule, procrastinator that I am I didn't do it. Boy, that was DUMB! Seriously though, keeping up with my online presence can take some serious time away from the whole reason I started this business to begin with...I mean how the heck am I going to find time to shoot photograph people when I'm sitting in front of the computer 27 hours a day? What? There aren't 27 hours in a day, huh...
Ok, so you all just learned something right? If you plan on starting a business (yes even a creative one, we are the absolute worst business people ever, ever, ever!...Most of us are anyhow) and everything says BRANDING is super important, do your marketing research, & link everything together...JUST DO IT. Crap, do I have to pay Nike now??
*End Rambling, lesson*
Back to how you can help me!! I would love to have some feedback from you. I know you all want to see pretty pictures, but in addition to that: What would you like to read about here? How can I keep you hanging on the edge of your seats griping, gripping for more? How can I engage you? My plan is to make this a mixture of a lifestyle/business blog...a glimpse into my  insanity insanity. Less talking? More pictures? So seriously, will you take a few minutes to look around and give me some feedback, what do you, love, hate, want to know? And then please stick around, follow my blog. I'd love the opportunity to entertain you!
*Remember, I can see you (okay I can't really see you but I can see how many people read this) seeing this, please take a moment to help a gal out. I would totally do it for you!*

1 comment:

  1. So far so good!! You are very entertaining. Blogging is hard to get regular readers, at least I heard that and have yet to have any followers- but its been years since i posted a new blog anyways! you could always YouTube videos of your shoots and link it to your page - example; how to get a baby to be still or pose for certain shots or how to use the sunset to you advantage etc.... Maybe make videos of your photo shoots and explain the shot....
    Who are you aiming towards customers or teaching other photographers?
    Im one of those bad business people.... I blow all our money on advertising in very small local newspapers and then every photos i post i put a Google searchable title as the pictures header. Ill explain later..... Can you come take pics this week? When and where?!? Its gonna be with the boys too so be prepared...... !!! Email me any ideas and if i need to get props or whatever.... Matching clothes, outfits... Whatever.
